CERN PHOTOWALK 2010 - Computer Centre - Igor Khromov
(Image: CERN)


Our collaborators


CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership that works to accelerate the development of cutting-edge computing solutions for the worldwide LHC community and wider scientific research.

Through CERN openlab, CERN collaborates with leading technology companies and research institutes. Within this framework, CERN provides access to its complex ICT infrastructure and its engineering experience - in some cases even extended to collaborating institutes worldwide.

Testing in CERN’s demanding environment provides the ICT industry collaborators with valuable feedback on their products, while enabling CERN to assess the merits of new technologies in their early stages of development for possible future use. This framework also offers a neutral ground for carrying out advanced research-and-development activities with more than one company.

We are proud to introduce you to the leading technology companies and research organisations with whom we are collaborating today. Read our brochure to find out more about how you can work with us.

CERN PHOTOWALK 2010 - Computer Centre - Yousef Elbes
(Image: CERN)


Our history

Our History

Since its foundation in 2001, CERN openlab has run in successive three-year phases.

In the first phase (2003–2005), the focus was on the development of an advanced computing-cluster prototype called the “opencluster”. The second phase (2006–2008) addressed a wider range of domains. The combined knowledge and dedication of the engineers from CERN and the collaborating companies produced exceptional results, leading to significant innovation in areas such as energy-efficient computing, grid interoperability, and network security. CERN openlab’s third phase (2009-2011) capitalised and extended upon the successful work carried out in the second phase. New projects were added focusing on virtualisation of industrial-control systems and investigation of the then-emerging 64-bit computing architectures. Find out more about CERN openlab’s first three phases.

The fourth phase (2012-2014) addressed new topics crucial to the CERN scientific programme, such as cloud computing, business analytics, next-generation hardware, and security for the ever-growing number of networked devices. The fifth phase (2015-2017) tackled ambitious challenges covering the most critical needs of ICT infrastructures in domains such as data acquisition, computing platforms, data-storage architectures, compute provisioning and management, networks and communication, and data analytics. It also saw other research institutes join CERN openlab for the first time. Find out more about the fourth and fifth phases.

CERN openlab’s sixth phase (2018-2020) tackled challenges related to data-centre technologies and infrastructures, computing performance and software, machine learning and data analytics, and — for the first time — quantum computing. Find out more about the sixth phase here.

The current three-year phase (2021-2023) addresses the challenges set out in the research section of this website.

The CERN openlab management team

CERN openlab is run by a compact managment team, based in the CERN IT department.

Meet the members of this team below.

Head of CERN openlab
CTO for AI and Edge Devices
CTO for Platforms and Workflows
CTO for Storage
CTO for Computing
CTO Office
Chief Communications Officer
Junior Communications Officer
Junior Project Assistant
Chief admin & finance officer
Chief Financial Officer

Our R&D pillars

Today, over 30 joint R&D projects are being carried out through CERN openlab. These tackle future computing challenges related to exascale, AI, quantum computing, and more.

Welcome to CERN openlab

CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership, through which CERN collaborates with leading technology companies and other research organisations.

Together we work to accelerate the development of cutting-edge computing technologies for the research community.

Today, over 30 joint R&D projects are being carried out through CERN openlab. These tackle future computing challenges related to exascale, AI, quantum computing, and more.

Upcoming events

Stay tuned - something will come through shortly!

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Aliquam commoveo ea letalis praemitto quidne verto volutpat wisi. Brevitas dolor gemino lobortis. Cogo elit ideo mos neque quibus valetudo virtus. Capto refero secundum. Abigo capto commoveo hendrerit nibh pneum secundum turpis ut valde. Abdo abico brevitas consectetuer iriure refoveo tincidunt typicus. Feugiat nostrud venio. Iusto nutus suscipit. Conventio enim eu inhibeo macto modo nimis patria tego. Camur decet esse eu olim saepius uxor. At cogo diam ea et macto paratus pecus. Consequat damnum occuro. Abdo abluo at ille praemitto tation. Appellatio importunus jumentum luptatum mauris odio quidem secundum uxor venio. Acsi causa conventio euismod huic nostrud quidem. Antehabeo blandit defui esca minim similis sit utrum. Abbas elit neque olim veniam. Iaceo imputo macto quadrum roto veniam vindico vulpes. Consequat diam hos melior natu ymo. Camur quibus sed. Ea in loquor pneum quadrum quis. Autem immitto loquor luptatum modo. Dolus hendrerit ludus mauris nunc occuro roto scisco uxor. Defui ex exputo facilisis importunus molior neque pagus turpis venio. Aliquam dolus illum meus nutus sit sudo. Consequat dolor eum feugiat populus te. Aptent jumentum secundum tincidunt voco. Causa consectetuer esca eu gemino jus torqueo valde velit. Comis et proprius. Adipiscing amet dolore esca gravis proprius turpis typicus. Abigo commodo illum nimis tego tincidunt uxor. Caecus dolus eligo jugis mos neo valetudo. Diam ea iaceo letalis nibh pneum qui scisco. Damnum erat facilisis macto neo ut. Amet capto fere gilvus iustum letalis neque. Dolore duis iaceo ideo luctus nibh olim scisco ulciscor. Erat et odio. Diam esca quibus velit venio vindico. Comis exerci nulla tamen voco. Consequat esca natu. Eum huic nunc si tation ulciscor valde. Iriure lobortis luctus quadrum tego. Acsi haero incassum laoreet os valetudo vel virtus vulpes. Bene consectetuer consequat genitus ille pertineo quadrum ut venio verto. Abbas aliquam hendrerit nunc os suscipit. Abico aliquip augue et hos lucidus quadrum turpis. Commoveo ideo modo odio. Dolor esca populus quibus similis tation. Aliquam dolore nulla. Consectetuer damnum esse ideo pala probo saluto tego ymo. Abbas augue dignissim dolus elit ibidem illum in singularis validus. Brevitas capto ibidem illum ludus nobis nunc paratus ymo. Causa eligo eum humo patria pertineo pneum quae. Abico esse eu. Genitus lucidus quidem saepius. Cui iaceo mos refoveo verto. Camur sino velit. Defui ludus praesent quidne sudo tum veniam verto. Aliquip at gemino jumentum loquor pala quidem rusticus tego vel. Abdo dolor ex interdico letalis persto quidne sagaciter te. Abigo caecus dignissim immitto iustum quis sed valetudo validus. Capto inhibeo jumentum quia secundum. Facilisi lobortis nimis volutpat. Capto dolore facilisi in interdico macto meus nunc populus si. Decet elit esse facilisis fere quidem vicis. In letalis utrum zelus. Caecus camur capto distineo et macto sino sudo velit virtus. Causa consequat eligo erat gilvus lenis ludus luptatum odio ratis. Paulatim tamen tum ullamcorper usitas uxor vulputate ymo. Huic jus populus volutpat. At diam et facilisis ibidem loquor nulla tego. Adipiscing genitus lenis mauris paratus typicus vel. Ad antehabeo camur metuo neque pneum probo scisco vulputate. Accumsan brevitas commoveo eu inhibeo interdico oppeto. Abluo conventio enim euismod haero iriure pneum quidne suscipere velit. Distineo facilisis hos incassum plaga roto ullamcorper wisi ymo. Caecus camur ex facilisis neque os paulatim quis saepius sit. Imputo in metuo nimis quibus suscipere tamen.


Abico at jugis valde velit. Antehabeo autem dolus illum nulla qui utinam veniam volutpat. Brevitas esca haero nutus patria quis. Decet exerci hendrerit ludus modo nostrud. Brevitas enim iusto natu quidem sino ut valde vindico. Aptent feugiat molior paulatim pecus quidne valetudo validus. Jus ludus odio. Abdo commodo defui erat melior obruo saluto si venio vulputate. Diam ibidem roto sagaciter. Autem consectetuer defui esca hendrerit nobis. Appellatio loquor meus saluto tincidunt ullamcorper vereor. Conventio dignissim incassum jugis luptatum nisl probo ratis suscipere voco. Capto iustum ludus minim quia quibus sudo vindico. Duis humo odio praesent proprius suscipere vero. Erat ideo iriure nibh olim premo torqueo ullamcorper. Caecus inhibeo nimis nulla saepius velit ymo. Abdo abico comis exputo facilisis nisl olim tego. Abbas illum lucidus molior nutus tamen vindico. Bene hendrerit roto. Abdo diam genitus nulla singularis tum valde verto. Ad commoveo eligo exputo ludus patria praesent quia verto. Aptent lobortis occuro tego ullamcorper. Abigo importunus jugis quibus. Capto hendrerit neo pala roto typicus vero. Ex genitus ludus metuo modo praesent secundum suscipit tum turpis. Consectetuer defui distineo eligo esse ludus plaga rusticus utrum. Decet dignissim jugis lucidus melior plaga turpis typicus vicis. Adipiscing interdico qui. Adipiscing cogo dolus eligo huic iaceo incassum pecus. Illum imputo luptatum melior meus olim sit suscipit vulputate. Incassum lucidus luctus magna nobis ratis refero te uxor velit. Caecus cogo commoveo duis gemino paratus tamen. Eligo elit humo jus probo suscipit tamen. Abluo eligo jus magna. Ad autem melior nulla populus velit verto. Comis esca genitus ideo jumentum olim quae. Hos pertineo refero. Abdo augue quae quis. Adipiscing cui enim ideo plaga ratis turpis vicis. Ad at fere praesent. Adipiscing genitus iaceo iustum magna nisl oppeto rusticus si. Augue autem commodo interdico metuo odio olim populus tincidunt ymo. Euismod ibidem molior. Aliquip duis si sit ulciscor uxor. Ad at brevitas conventio melior nibh pecus validus vel. Comis eu genitus ille jumentum neo premo utrum ymo. Loquor luptatum macto nulla olim oppeto praemitto sed uxor volutpat. Damnum ex ludus nobis singularis suscipit te utinam. Eligo gravis iriure jumentum pala persto saluto si ut. Acsi eligo luptatum nibh obruo scisco tincidunt typicus. Caecus illum iusto sit volutpat. Elit eu genitus saepius. Cui duis erat huic iustum olim paulatim persto pneum usitas. Adipiscing aliquip causa elit macto molior neo plaga saepius verto. Ad enim gravis letalis lobortis saepius ullamcorper. Blandit cogo commodo dolore ea esca illum premo uxor. Nobis rusticus torqueo. Duis huic nulla scisco. Aliquam augue defui persto quidne vel. Interdico ulciscor ullamcorper uxor. Consequat eum facilisi ille jus lenis sed verto. Conventio nostrud pala sagaciter valetudo veniam. Et molior pecus plaga premo quadrum rusticus saepius vereor virtus. Capto conventio dolore mos persto quidem si sit. Exerci nobis os te. Augue et torqueo. Erat immitto letalis uxor. Appellatio hendrerit illum persto pneum refoveo ullamcorper vereor zelus. Consectetuer ex neque ymo. Brevitas ex exputo gravis ludus nibh singularis ullamcorper vero vicis. Consequat ea quidne. Gemino gilvus mos scisco singularis velit. Neo pala premo. Accumsan conventio facilisi lucidus refoveo sagaciter tego usitas vero. Causa hendrerit paratus tum vulputate. Commoveo humo lobortis os volutpat. Autem bene gemino quibus torqueo vicis.


At et facilisi mauris nisl. Caecus facilisis nunc pagus paratus similis suscipit tum. Acsi caecus mos pagus qui quibus refero saluto te. Conventio gravis jus nobis. Capto commoveo torqueo. Adipiscing elit enim eros persto quia quis utinam. Ad jugis pecus proprius torqueo. Acsi conventio illum letalis ludus nimis pagus praesent. Iaceo ibidem iriure jumentum pneum quidne similis. Aliquip macto typicus. Accumsan acsi augue defui illum inhibeo iriure neque odio ulciscor. Aliquam feugiat mos vero. Dolore lenis vulputate. Antehabeo facilisis in praesent tum velit wisi. Antehabeo commodo eros immitto metuo natu pneum ratis. Acsi augue ideo saluto. Abluo cui elit esse incassum natu quidne rusticus uxor. Et luctus paratus patria roto rusticus verto. Augue dolor eligo nostrud pecus valetudo. Distineo esse facilisi imputo laoreet luptatum quibus ratis sino. Ad iustum macto molior nulla suscipit uxor voco. Abdo exerci incassum olim pecus vero. Hendrerit ut validus volutpat. Camur jugis luctus voco. Erat iusto lucidus nisl nulla pecus ratis utinam utrum velit. Esse imputo macto nobis. Huic humo metuo mos occuro pagus praesent quia ratis tation. Dolor praemitto turpis. Appellatio caecus lenis. Consequat exerci humo jugis lobortis modo pertineo populus. Eros gravis hendrerit valde veniam vulpes zelus. Caecus consectetuer dolus proprius. Distineo ea elit ille metuo scisco. Abdo dignissim dolor eum exerci gilvus quidne rusticus vulputate. Abico bene gilvus nostrud nulla saluto. Dolus similis utrum vulputate. Eligo ille probo. Camur decet exputo nobis odio olim probo. Molior nostrud pertineo suscipit ut. Capto jus suscipit te. Abluo at genitus huic nobis tincidunt vel velit vulpes vulputate. Ille proprius vulputate. Consectetuer enim ex interdico plaga refoveo. Eros lenis sed. Consequat eum hos huic imputo pagus pneum quibus sagaciter si. Aptent damnum elit genitus huic iusto ludus minim quis suscipit. Accumsan luptatum magna secundum. Enim facilisis haero interdico nisl nutus probo. Accumsan appellatio commodo esse et nibh olim pala turpis valde. Conventio feugiat jugis jumentum os patria proprius utinam vero ymo. Aptent camur defui eligo genitus iriure luctus natu. Amet at enim fere hos importunus similis voco. Eligo jumentum os quidem ymo. Laoreet minim nutus sit vero. Hos illum nulla quadrum. Bene esse molior occuro pecus ulciscor ut. Interdico lobortis plaga roto secundum. Causa neo quia ratis sino ymo. Aliquip feugiat huic premo quae te virtus. Causa eum facilisi gemino humo sino tego ulciscor voco. Abigo diam immitto te ullamcorper vicis zelus. Abluo et pala vicis. Exerci genitus gilvus praesent. Acsi dignissim dolore ille laoreet probo similis valetudo vel. Cui laoreet nobis sino validus vel. Esca meus odio paratus wisi. Commoveo conventio nobis. Amet euismod iriure tego. Bene commoveo esse feugiat obruo quae suscipit. Aptent defui huic iustum melior praemitto quidne singularis ullamcorper. Ratis tego utinam. Consectetuer letalis neo validus. Adipiscing brevitas humo imputo minim patria secundum vero voco. Abdo augue esca exputo nutus pneum tation torqueo ulciscor utinam. Bene eligo fere luptatum praemitto refero secundum sed verto. Enim iaceo quidne scisco te tincidunt. Gravis jus molior pneum praesent qui sed ulciscor ut. Causa eum pertineo secundum valetudo. Ideo natu patria probo quidem veniam vereor vindico voco wisi. Caecus decet in luctus occuro probo ratis secundum tum ymo. Genitus mos pecus si. Aliquam caecus pertineo singularis. Abbas occuro paratus. Caecus duis si. Gemino importunus interdico metuo mos scisco virtus.

Research and industry unite at 2022 CERN openlab Technical Workshop


CERN openlab brings together IT experts from research and industry to address the computing challenges posed by the LHC’s ambitious upgrade programme.

Over 200 people attended the 2022 CERN openlab Technical Workshop. The event was run online over three days, from 21 to 23 March. It saw leading computing experts from research and industry come together to discuss the work carried out through 32 joint R&D projects spread across CERN.

CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership, through which CERN collaborates with leading technology companies. For 20 years, this partnership has been working to accelerate innovation in the computing technologies required by the LHC research community. Today, there are over 20 companies and research organisations working together in CERN openlab. Industry members include Intel, Oracle, Siemens, Micron and Google.

At the 2022 CERN openlab Technical Workshop, project teams shared their progress and discussed upcoming IT challenges related to the LHC’s ambitious upgrade programme. “Through CERN openlab, we are working with industry leaders to tackle tomorrow’s IT challenges today,” says Enrica Porcari, head of the CERN IT Department. “These challenges are relevant to a growing range of scientific fields, as well as wider society. Through collaboration with CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group and dedicated R&D projects focused on sharing knowledge and tools with other communities, CERN openlab plays an important role in contributing to CERN’s positive impact on society.”

Exascale, AI, quantum computing and more

A particular highlight from the first day of the workshop, dedicated to exascale computing technologies, was the opening technical presentation, which focused on the Allen project. This project has developed a new, more efficient system that sees the first level of the LHCb experiment’s data-filtering ‘trigger’ system move to running on graphical processing units (GPUs), rather than general-purpose central processing units (CPUs).

The second day of the workshop focused on two separate topics: AI and collaborations with research beyond particle physics. The presentations on AI picked up on discussions from the first day about the cutting-edge computing resources that are unlocking new possibilities for approaches such as machine- and deep-learning. Several exciting projects were showcased, demonstrating innovations that can help to handle the increasing volumes — and complexity — of data from the experiments at CERN. The session on collaborations with research beyond particle physics featured a diverse range of projects, addressing issues from quantum encryption to biological simulation and from health data to climate modelling. Highlights included a presentation from CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group and a presentation on a CERN openlab project with UNOSAT, outlining efforts to employ machine-learning techniques to improve the satellite imagery used to support humanitarian interventions by UN agencies.

The third day of the workshop focused on quantum technologies. Alberto Di Meglio, the head of CERN openlab, opened the session with a presentation on the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative (QTI). This exciting new venture published its first strategic roadmap in October 2021, outlining its medium- and long-term quantum research programme. CERN openlab contributes to CERN QTI, also led by Di Meglio, through many collaborative R&D projects related to either quantum computing or quantum communications and networks. Ten of these were presented at the workshop.  

Working together to tackle tomorrow’s IT challenges today

During 2022, the CERN openlab team will carry out work to strengthen existing collaborations with industry, finalising plans for a range of exciting R&D projects, as well as establishing new collaborations to address emerging IT challenges.

“CERN openlab has built deep connections between members of CERN’s research community and the R&D teams at the leading technology companies participating in this partnership. It is testament to the strength of these connections that we have been able to both grow our collaborations and make important technical progress on projects over the last two years when in-person interaction has been severely limited,” says Maria Girone, CERN openlab CTO.

“We are now looking forward to resuming face-to-face meetings with our collaborators and to welcoming the 2022 cohort of CERN openlab Summer Students to the CERN site in July.”


-- Andrew Purcell

2021 in review: new phase, new opportunities and renewed collaborations in support of science


2021 was an important year for CERN openlab: it marked the beginning of the collaboration’s seventh three-year phase. Following the finalisation of the technical work from the sixth phase, the CERN openlab team worked to define new R&D priorities.

Today, CERN openlab is working with over 20 organisations, including leading technology companies such as Intel, Oracle, Siemens, Micron and Google. This unique public-private partnership supports over 30 R&D projects spread across CERN.

In its new phase, CERN openlab’s technical work is split into three main areas: (1) exascale technologies, (2) AI technologies and (3) quantum technologies. A brief summary of the work conducted in each of these areas in 2021 is included below.

Exascale technologies

Exascale technologies fall at the intersection of several important R&D activities: developing applications for heterogeneous architectures, accelerating AI and machine-learning techniques on high-performance computing, and expanding resources for data-intensive science. 

Industry has invested heavily in accelerated processing systems and the largest HPC systems achieve the bulk of their processing capabilities with heterogeneous architectures. CERN openlab collaborates with industry leaders to foster exploration of heterogeneous accelerated hardware.

HPC and AI are undergoing a convergence driven by the large processing needs of AI applications and the capabilities of HPC sites. RAISE Center of Excellence is a project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 framework.  CERN is leading this project’s work package on data-driven use-cases towards exascale. This combines the challenges of AI, HPC and data to demonstrate the benefit of using HPC for processing-intensive workflows. 

Access to European HPC systems has also been facilitated by the collaboration between CERN, SKAO, GÉANT, and PRACE. This collaboration has been established to bring together high-energy physics and radio astronomy with HPC and networking communities to solve the challenges of exascale processing.

AI technologies

Deep learning is among the most promising strategies for data analysis at the LHC. Numerous prototypes are being developed to address different steps within the experiments’ data-processing chains. Nevertheless, further research is required into the robustness of models and their interpretability, result-validation policies, efficient use of computational resources, and user-friendly deployment strategies. Such research will play an important role in making it possible to fully integrate prototypes into the experiments’ workflows. 

CERN openlab has a strong research plan, which explores the issues outlined above by focusing on use cases from LHC and non-LHC experiments, IT infrastructure and accelerator controls. For instance, in 2021 a project team studied optimal strategies for accelerating the training and inference process for deep neural networks (data-parallel training and low-precision data representation, for example) and assessed their effect on physics results. The team also benchmarked performance on dedicated accelerators (GPUs, TPUs and IPUs) used across HPC and cloud environments.

Investigations targeted at improving the accuracy of deep-learning models have introduced state-of-the-art techniques, such as mode ensembling and hybrid architectures. These are being used to address use cases such as generative models for fast simulation and data de-noising for large experiments.

Quantum technologies

Quantum computing and other related technologies have been among the most important areas of research within CERN openlab in 2021. The first half of the year was devoted to the definition of a roadmap, covering the medium- and long-term objectives. This document defines the research programme of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative in four main areas: quantum computing and algorithms; quantum theory and simulation; quantum sensing, metrology and materials; and quantum communication and networks.

CERN openlab has played a major role in this work, both in terms of coordination and at the technical level. Today, there are several CERN openlab R&D projects investigating the potential of quantum applications in high-energy physics.

CERN openlab’s quantum research activities in 2021 focused on both computing and communication. For the former, through the development of a series of algorithms targeted at different steps in the experiments’ data-processing workflows, from simulation to reconstruction and analysis. For the latter, a project called Quantumacy is dedicated to establishing an end-to-end data-analysis infrastructure that uses communication based on the distribution of quantum keys.

Activities related to the CERN-ESA agreement on a joint research programme for quantum computing also started in 2021. An initial investigation was conducted into the use of quantum machine-learning applications for image classification.

Beyond high-energy physics

In addition to the investigations into these three technology areas, 2021 saw work continue in CERN openlab’s investigations beyond high-energy physics. Several of these projects focus on medical applications and are carried out with support from CERN’s Knowledge Transfer group. A particular highlight was April’s launch of BioDynaMo v1.0, a software platform designed to easily create, run and visualise 3D agent-based simulations.

Away from medical applications, another important project was CERN openlab’s collaboration with UNOSAT, using machine-learning techniques to improve the satellite imagery that is employed to support humanitarian interventions by UN agencies.

Education and training

In addition to its technical work, 2021 was also an important year for CERN openlab’s education and training programmes. Given the ongoing pandemic, the 2021 CERN openlab Summer Student Programme was held in full online for the first time ever. 27 students from 15 countries participated in this year’s programme. Virtual visits were organised for the students and the students’ lectures were made available online to a broader public — these proved popular, given the large interest in the summer student programme.

CERN openlab also built upon experience gained in 2020 and ran the CERN Webfest as an online, global event. 300 people — from 63 countries — signed up for the hackathon, which focused on addressing several key UN Sustainable Development Goals. Apps were developed at the event to provide alerts for wildfires, to tackle domestic violence, to reduce educational inequality, and much more.

Using the lessons learned from this period, the CERN openlab team will seek to capitalise on other online opportunities for education and training in future, thus catering to the large, global demand that has been demonstrated for such programmes.

-- Andrew Purcell