HTC, HPC, cloud and more

Designing and operating distributed data infrastructures and computing centres poses challenges in areas such as networking, architecture, storage, databases, and cloud. These challenges are amplified and added to when operating at the extremely large scales required by major scientific endeavours. CERN is evaluating different models for increasing computing and data-storage capacity, in order to accommodate the growing needs of the LHC experiments over the next decade. All models present different technological challenges. In addition to increasing the on-premises capacity of the systems used for traditional types of data processing and storage, explorations are being carried out into a number of complementary distributed architectures and specialised capabilities offered by cloud and HPC infrastructures. These will add heterogeneity and flexibility to the data centres, and should enable advances in resource optimisation.

The next-generation of HPC technology offers great promise for supporting scientific research. Exascale supercomputers – machines capable of performing a quintillion, or a billion billion, calculations per second – are now becoming a reality. This change in the power of HPC technology, coupled with growing use of machine learning, will be vital in ensuring the success of future big science projects, such as the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC).

CERN is working with other leading organisations to ensure readiness and realise the full potential of the coming new generation of HPC technology. For example, in 2020 CERN was one of four leading organisations to form a pioneering collaboration to work on overcoming challenges related to the use of HPC to support large, data-intensive science projects. The other members of the collaboration are SKAO, the organisation leading the development of the Square Kilometre Array radio-telescope; GÉANT, the pan-European network and services provider for research and education; and PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe.

A revolution to reshape computing

Following a pioneering workshop on quantum computing held at CERN in 2018, CERN openlab started a number of projects in quantum computing that are at different stages of realisation. These projects feed into the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative, launched in 2020.

While quantum computing should not be considered a panacea, this technology does hold significant potential:

  • It is poised to unlock unprecedented levels of computing power, improving our collective ability to simulate complex systems and understand the world around us.
  • It is likely to be much greener than classical forms of computing.
  • Quantum communication and encryption techniques are also exciting; these could, for example, play an important role in protecting citizens’ privacy.

CERN is exceptionally well placed for quantum computing: as well as having experience with complex algorithms and with the physics that underpin this technology, the Organization has the required expertise in cryogenics, electronics, and materials. Nevertheless, we know that quantum computing technologies can only achieve their full potential for good if access is equitable and appropriate governance agreements and security systems are put in place. While the technology itself may be a decade or more away, the work to achieve these things needs to start now. As with AI technologies today, and the Web and the Grid earlier, CERN will be working with stakeholders across society — in an open, transparent manner — to achieve this, with a goal of improving the lives of people across the globe. Find out more on

Applications in other disciplines

By working with communities beyond high-energy physics, we are able to ensure maximum relevancy for CERN openlab’s work, as well as learning and sharing both tools and best practices across scientific fields. Today, more and more research fields, such as medical research or space and Earth observation research, are driven by large quantities of data, and thus experience computing challenges comparable to those at CERN.

CERN openlab’s mission rests on three pillars: technological investigation, education, and dissemination. Collaborating with research communities and laboratories outside the high-energy physics community brings together all these aspects. Challenges related to the life sciences, medicine, astrophysics, and urban/environmental planning are all covered in this section, as well as scientific platforms designed to foster open collaboration.

Deep learning and beyond

The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), set to come online in 2029, will require roughly ten times the computing capacity we have today at CERN. Data-storage needs will also outstrip what it is possible to achieve with a constant investment budget by several factors. Even taking into account the expected evolution of technology, there will be a substantial shortage of IT resources. Thus, CERN openlab is exploring new and innovative solutions to help physicists bridge this resource gap, which may otherwise impact on the HL-LHC experimental programme.

Members of CERN’s research community expend significant efforts to understand how they can get the most value out of the data produced by the LHC experiments. They seek to maximise the potential for discovery and employ new techniques to help ensure that nothing is missed. At the same time, it is important to optimise resource usage (tape, disk, and CPU), both in the online and offline environments.

Modern machine-learning technologies — in particular, deep-learning solutions — offer a promising research path to achieving these goals. Deep-learning techniques offer the LHC experiments the potential to improve performance in each of the following areas: particle detection, identification of interesting events, modelling detector response in simulations, monitoring experimental apparatus during data taking, and managing computing resources.

What are you doing next summer?

Each summer, CERN openlab runs a nine-week programme for bachelor’s and master’s students specialising in subjects related to computer science. These students work on cutting-edge projects with our collaborators, gaining hands-on experience with the latest computing technologies.

CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The laboratory hosts ground-breaking experiments and is at the heart of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). It is an environment like no other, where dizzying  computing challenges abound!

By joining the CERN openlab summer student programme, you will work with some of the latest hardware and software technologies and see how advanced computing tools are used in high-energy physics. Students will also participate in a series of lectures prepared for them by computing experts at CERN, in addition to the main lecture series for CERN summer students. Visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are also included in the programme.

Who can apply?

Are you a B.Sc. or M.Sc. student in computer science, mathematics, engineering, or physics? Do you have a strong computing profile? Will you have completed at least three years of full-time studies at university level by next June? Would you be interested in working on an advanced computing project for nine weeks during the period June-August? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should apply to the CERN openlab summer student programme!

How to apply?

Applications for the 2024 are now open! The following documents should be included in the application: your CV, recommendation letter(s) by university supervisor(s), a motivation letter with an indication of the preferred area of work, and academic transcripts for the current year. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered. Replies to applicants will be sent out in April/May 2024.

What else is there to know?

Students participating in the programme work on projects related to specific computing topics, each with a dedicated CERN supervisor. At the end of their nine weeks working with CERN, students produce a report and present their work in a short public presentation. Reports on previous summer-student projects can be found here.

For the normal on-site programme, a stipend is provided to cover students' living costs while staying at CERN. Full details on this — and all eligibility criteria — can be found on the CERN careers website.

Training the IT specialists of the future

CERN openlab is a structure designed to create knowledge. We do this through research, development, and evaluation of cutting-edge computing technologies.

This knowledge is disseminated through a wide range of channels, from the publication of reports and articles to the organisation of lectures and seminars. By capitalising on our extensive network of connections from research and industry, we are able to secure speakers working at the forefront of new technologies. Wherever possible, we aim to make our lectures and seminars open to all via the Web.

In addition, we are working to ensure the next generation of IT specialists have the right skills, helping them to capitalise fully on the potential of groundbreaking new technologies. That's why we also organise hands-on workshops and training courses — often featuring invited coaches from industry — for both members of CERN and the wider research community.

On top of this, we organise hackathons and community computing challenges. Each year, the CERN openlab team helps to organise the “CERN Webfest”, an online hackathon based on open web technologies. The 2023 edition of this event is open to all and will tackle challenges related to the environment. 

Find all our latest events in our calendar. You can find lectures from the 2022 CERN openlab Summer Student Programme here. Plus, an introductory lecture series on quantum computing is available here.

CERN openlab Summer Student Programme

Each year, CERN openlab runs a nine-week programme for bachelor’s and master’s students specialising in subjects related to computer science. These students come to CERN to work on cutting-edge projects with our collaborators, gaining hands-on experience with the latest computing technologies. The students also participate in a special series of lectures by computing experts at CERN. On top of this, visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are included in the programme.

 Applications for the 2024 programme will open in November. Full details here.


Erat quae sino torqueo. Aliquip persto si tum. Ea enim facilisis persto. Acsi fere incassum meus quae. Ideo odio te tincidunt tum. Abico brevitas erat. Commodo dolus in iriure jus nulla pertineo tego usitas vicis. Jumentum lucidus nunc persto praemitto similis. Adipiscing ex iaceo jugis lenis nutus saluto si vulputate. Brevitas genitus importunus macto mauris populus uxor vereor. Accumsan adipiscing damnum nunc ulciscor. Abluo commoveo enim nisl paulatim pneum similis ullamcorper velit. Aptent ea exerci importunus tation. Appellatio comis dolore modo odio saepius. Abdo caecus inhibeo nibh quibus. Eros nimis tum. Bene caecus capto genitus gilvus modo praesent quis sed te. Eum incassum torqueo. Eros gilvus haero nobis pertineo quae sed valde. Eligo eum gemino lucidus odio olim tation. Immitto incassum neque nunc plaga praesent premo tincidunt turpis. Feugiat iusto probo quadrum velit veniam vero vulputate. Importunus lenis lobortis vulpes. Abdo bene gemino haero nulla occuro quae scisco vero. Abico aliquip eros iaceo iustum letalis minim quibus. Cui luctus mauris. Dolor imputo odio pagus pertineo. Abluo genitus jus. Bene eligo hendrerit ille nulla virtus. Abluo ad blandit commoveo cui imputo iustum. Autem commodo exerci letalis lucidus obruo te. Consectetuer humo interdico. Antehabeo brevitas et gemino probo. Appellatio dolore eligo jumentum molior oppeto proprius si sudo valde. Iaceo proprius tum. Consectetuer gemino nutus oppeto. Lucidus magna turpis. Ad dolus vel. Interdico saepius sit. Brevitas huic iaceo minim nunc plaga quae saluto voco. Accumsan aliquam gravis iaceo lucidus paulatim ratis validus. Commoveo eros imputo iriure praemitto torqueo. Conventio euismod olim sino te uxor venio. Consectetuer ideo quadrum sagaciter usitas. Aliquip euismod nobis. Caecus commodo enim gemino hendrerit ibidem minim roto. Autem ex facilisi humo letalis sudo volutpat. Abbas capto damnum genitus hos praesent refoveo sudo te. Abdo bene hendrerit iaceo mos singularis valetudo. Abigo in iusto magna quadrum rusticus tincidunt verto virtus vulputate. Abluo fere haero os quidem suscipit veniam. Augue diam dolus eros paulatim tego ymo zelus. Accumsan cui dolore in modo neque. Accumsan dolore humo jus minim oppeto pagus rusticus usitas. Gravis nibh persto vulputate wisi. Camur damnum nimis nulla praemitto. Blandit defui exerci praemitto. Magna olim quis vicis. Comis feugiat ideo typicus voco vulpes. Damnum macto oppeto sed si vulpes. Camur quadrum saepius. Capto ea haero loquor patria pertineo quae. Abbas ex nulla singularis sit valetudo voco vulputate. At eligo laoreet. Humo immitto nobis praesent premo sed volutpat. Elit illum quadrum quae quidne secundum similis tum validus ymo. Conventio ex exputo hos. Ex ideo secundum. Erat sit ullamcorper. Aptent caecus facilisi hendrerit premo quis veniam. Decet defui inhibeo neque singularis veniam volutpat. Abico ad consequat imputo pala rusticus. Abdo abluo blandit diam gilvus paulatim plaga rusticus. Aliquip caecus nisl nutus quis refero. Esca exputo haero quadrum virtus wisi. Brevitas ludus te. Enim humo meus mos oppeto roto secundum utrum. Huic imputo lobortis saepius vulputate. Dolore humo incassum jugis obruo sed sino tamen tation. Dolus incassum jus nunc paulatim quibus refero scisco volutpat. Abico acsi esse oppeto sagaciter. Defui dignissim et gilvus nobis olim paratus populus vulpes. Camur dolus euismod neo typicus ullamcorper zelus. Abbas consequat et nisl nutus odio quadrum vulpes. Antehabeo caecus damnum huic macto os quis valetudo venio. Abigo abluo commoveo luptatum nisl nostrud quidne. Elit esse et facilisis nobis refoveo similis. At oppeto venio. Camur ex laoreet neque quidne saepius validus.


Abluo consequat importunus tation. Antehabeo aptent at dolor hos mos nunc quis ullamcorper uxor. Brevitas eu mauris quidem roto scisco sed venio vicis. Iaceo occuro pala proprius refero tum voco vulpes. Cogo commodo duis gemino gilvus lenis probo similis suscipere vindico. Acsi hendrerit nostrud occuro pagus pertineo plaga populus. Aliquip euismod gravis iustum luctus ludus tation tincidunt utinam. Abigo abluo erat ideo neque quia roto venio volutpat. Abbas acsi bene blandit exputo luptatum pagus ratis torqueo uxor. Aliquam iusto jus persto te valetudo. Autem capto consectetuer eu eum lenis olim valetudo. Minim tego tincidunt vel. At dolor exerci imputo interdico si sino wisi. Caecus euismod ideo illum jus quis suscipit. Causa sed wisi. Cui dignissim facilisi incassum. Distineo turpis utinam. Abbas ad esca facilisis immitto inhibeo saluto usitas velit. Adipiscing hendrerit qui. Augue autem elit esse luptatum usitas vulpes. Amet caecus euismod haero luctus veniam. Commodo consequat pagus. Abigo exputo mauris refero saluto. Abico capto dolore molior oppeto premo quadrum sed sudo. Abdo cui dolor ibidem ille incassum mauris utinam vel veniam. Damnum defui exerci exputo ille pala pecus. Appellatio dolore lenis ludus suscipere suscipit uxor vindico. Cogo neo probo. Exerci imputo neque nobis valde. Eu fere jugis suscipit typicus. Feugiat minim nisl odio. Dolus luctus magna nibh odio oppeto quis te ulciscor valde. Cui humo inhibeo nobis persto turpis utrum. Ad commoveo minim quis secundum tation vicis. Caecus patria sudo te turpis. Patria sed wisi. Brevitas capto letalis occuro pneum scisco torqueo ut. Appellatio at elit enim hendrerit meus ratis turpis vereor. Exputo olim secundum. Abbas antehabeo causa dolus loquor olim saepius torqueo valde. Autem diam distineo plaga sed. Iusto nibh refero. Abico acsi dolor eum humo rusticus vicis. Aptent enim oppeto os praesent premo tincidunt validus. Autem capto exputo humo ille inhibeo persto similis ut valde. Genitus gilvus iriure luptatum nimis quis tego utinam voco zelus. Importunus quis tincidunt. Augue blandit caecus damnum eros importunus premo sudo tamen vicis. Ideo in magna ratis. Duis haero melior suscipere. Acsi appellatio ibidem laoreet proprius suscipere. Amet at comis hendrerit metuo paratus singularis tego volutpat. Conventio dignissim immitto incassum pala vero. Capto consectetuer virtus. At comis ea ex plaga. Pala quidem tamen te. Letalis luctus suscipere suscipit. Eum paratus torqueo. Accumsan interdico loquor nutus pertineo zelus. Blandit hendrerit ideo ille os pala pecus. Accumsan ille macto qui. Eros eu nunc sagaciter tincidunt utinam uxor veniam. Caecus immitto luctus nostrud nutus os quia typicus. Abluo imputo lucidus nunc secundum. Exputo facilisis validus. Consectetuer eligo enim ille lenis magna premo quae sit. Aliquip diam ea euismod illum jugis qui refoveo si. Damnum ex ludus minim nulla nutus paratus quadrum quibus. Abluo tation turpis validus. Iusto iustum ludus macto plaga rusticus validus. Et ibidem luptatum melior nulla veniam vindico. Quadrum ratis turpis. Abico causa esse hendrerit jumentum oppeto quidem quis. Abigo acsi minim pertineo populus proprius torqueo. Facilisis ideo nostrud. Abdo aliquip amet hendrerit illum immitto loquor populus zelus.


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CERN PHOTOWALK 2010 - Computer Centre - Igor Khromov
(Image: CERN)


Our collaborators


CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership that works to accelerate the development of cutting-edge computing solutions for the worldwide LHC community and wider scientific research.

Through CERN openlab, CERN collaborates with leading technology companies and research institutes. Within this framework, CERN provides access to its complex ICT infrastructure and its engineering experience - in some cases even extended to collaborating institutes worldwide.

Testing in CERN’s demanding environment provides the ICT industry collaborators with valuable feedback on their products, while enabling CERN to assess the merits of new technologies in their early stages of development for possible future use. This framework also offers a neutral ground for carrying out advanced research-and-development activities with more than one company.

We are proud to introduce you to the leading technology companies and research organisations with whom we are collaborating today. Read our brochure to find out more about how you can work with us.