Collaborate with us
Why collaborate with us?
Hear from CERN openlab partners, associates and CERN community members why collaborating with CERN openlab is so unique.
Collaborating with us
Having HEP work together with other science communities and technology providers enhances codevelopment of common solutions of general validity and impact on science and society. Collaboration and engagement with both scientific communities and ICT industrial partners will therefore not only drive innovation and advancements in science and technology, but also lead to a better understanding of future requirements.
CERN openlab’s primary role is to act as conduit and facilitator for collaboration in computing science and technology between two categories of stakeholders: the science communities (CERN departments and groups; R&D teams at CERN; research centres) on one side and technology providers (industry) on the other side. Once established, the engagement is kept alive and current via periodic check-point meetings and formal governance mechanisms.
Membership levels
For CERN openlab Phase VIII (2024-2026), a simplified membership structure is being implemented with two levels: strategic members (Partners) and associate members (Associates).

Projects are required to include overhead costs for activities such as system administration, dedicated communication and support activities. The appropriate level of overhead to be charged depends on the type of project and will be explicitly negotiated, but it is estimated to be of the order of 10% of the total project cost.
Although the main distinction between Partners and Associates is in the scope of the collaboration, Partners have more benefits than Associates. Participation in the CERN openlab Collaboration Board is reserved to Partners.
Research centres with complementary expertise, aligned scientific goals, and innovation objectives may become research members of CERN openlab with or without direct financial contributions.
Contact us for more information on how to collaborate with us.