Head of CERN openlab vice-chairs User Forum Coordination Group aiming to strengthen ties between EuroHPC Users


Maria HPC

Last week, Maria Girone (Head of CERN openlab) presented CERN's work on High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the International HPC User Forum in Barcelona, Spain.

Maria presented the work being done at CERN and CERN openlab on AI and HPC. CERN openlab contributes to these CERN activities through collaborations with technology providers and research institutions that are developing state-of-the-art platforms, services, and methodologies. At CERN openlab, we aim to foster the widespread adoption of AI methods and techniques applicable to various AI use cases, providing the community with access to specific expertise and resources. 

Many other fields, such as Radioastronomy, Climate Sciences and Health Sciences, encounter similar Big Data challenges as the High-Energy Physics (HEP) community and can benefit from the innovations developed within HEP.

In our mission to accelerate computing for science, at CERN openlab we do R&D on AI and HPC through collaborations with our industry and research partners: E4 Computer Engineering, Intel, Micron, Oracle, Siemens and Simons Foundation. 

Maria recently attended the EuroHPC User Day 2024 in Amsterdam, where the newly formed User Forum Coordination Group (UFCG) was presented to the community. In September, Maria was elected vicechair of the UFCG, which serves as a pivotal platform for bringing together HPC users across the European Union.

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) allows the European Union and EuroHPC JU participating countries to coordinate their efforts and pool resources to make Europe a world leader in supercomputing. The results of these collaborationsboosts Europe's scientific excellence and industrial strength –supporting the digital transformation of its economy while ensuring its technological sovereignty.

The UFCG is responsible for organising, coordinating and moderating the User Forum, with the objective of involving users from public and private HPC communities in Europe. The forum provides a space for users to share strategies, exchange best practices, collaborate on topics critical to HPC, and collect feedback from active users.

You can read more about this meeting here

Group Photo
The User Forum Coordination Group (photo by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking)